Please Read First

Be sure to provide any relevant information and links in your initial messages or I will most likely not respond. Never send attachments or anything that needs to be downloaded.

– If you have any questions regarding online marketing for your music or branding, please feel free to reach out to me. I’m always willing to help out and answer any specific questions the best I can. I’m also available for consulting so you can book me here.

– If you want to submit music for me to check out, send me links to Spotify, YouTube or SoundCloud.

– If you are inquiring about my services, I am very selective with who I work with on a regular paid basis. Understand that I am not a music promotion company or a music marketing agency. I operate as an educational resource first. Please read this and use this form for anything related to my services.

– I’m always looking to find people in the industry who have blogs, products, services and apps catered to musicians for collaboration/networking. I’m open to having guest contributions for my blog for topics relevant to music only and doing guest posts on other blogs as well. You can use the contact form or shoot me an email. Do not expect a response if I feel your request is not relevant to my blog or if you’re just spamming for backlink opportunities. Thanks!

– Be careful of scams using my name and likeness. I’m not offering any jobs and I will never use WhatsApp to message you about jobs or music promo.


If you find any of my work useful and want to support my blog, you can buy me a coffee or give me a tip.

Contact Info

Please do not use my email address to add me to any newsletter or mailing list. I will automatically report to spam, blacklist and delete.

Contact Form

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    Your Email (required)


    Your Message