
Music Business

time saving tips for musicians

8 Time Saving Tips For Musicians

By Email, Music Business, Social Media No Comments

Do you ever find yourself wishing you had more time to focus on the creative aspects of music?

Probably the biggest challenge of being an independent artist is juggling all the business-related tasks, while also squeezing in the necessary time to work on music and hone your creative abilities. Besides music, everyone has external responsibilities – work, family, pets, etc – preventing them from dedicating more time to writing and performing music. Understandably, it can be an overwhelming and frustrating struggle to balance. Read More

Stressed Musician

6 Must Learn Business Concepts for Musicians Who Hate the Business Side

By Marketing Basics, Music Business One Comment

In an ideal situation, your sole focus would be on making music and not having to worry about marketing, booking, promotion, accounting, or any other business functions. Unless you are signed by a label or have a large budget (let’s face it, most of us don’t), chances are you gotta do it all yourself.

You may hate the business side of things (or just would rather spend your time doing something you actually enjoy), but don’t let that discourage you from incorporating these fundamental business concepts that will improve your chances of making a living off music. Here are 6 must learn business and marketing concepts that you need to know: Read More