Make It As An Independent

Helping musicians maximize their potential by using online marketing tools, insights and strategies to increase music exposure and attract life-long fans.


With so much competition for attention out there, it’s harder for musicians to stand out of the clutter. The aim of this site is to guide you through the music marketing and business space to improve your chances of making a living off music and continue making a positive impact in people’s lives.

Branding Myths

6 Common Branding Myths That May Be Holding Musicians Back

By Branding No Comments

Have you ever felt that you’re not getting the exposure you had hoped for as a music artist? You’re not alone. In a highly competitive and over-saturated industry, tons of indie artists struggle to stand out of the crowd and get people’s attention long enough to build a loyal following. Even well-established indie artists need to constantly put themselves out there to stay relevant.

To stand a fighting chance to make it as an indie artist, you need to step up your branding and marketing game. Unfortunately, not all artists have backgrounds in business or marketing so it’s common to overlook the importance of branding. Read More

Free Essential Tools for Artists

FREE Essential Marketing Tools for New Independent Artists Getting Started

By Analytics, Email, Marketing Basics, Social Media, Websites No Comments

Page last updated on 3/5/2023

Getting started in the music business as an independent can be an overwhelming experience. There’s a lot to do and think about. Where do you start?

One thing you need is a solid online foundation that serves as a central location for people to learn more about you and your music. This should be your website. It is your own personal online space you have full control over to tell your story and narrative the way you want.

Before you dive in though, be sure to think about who your target market is or who you hope to attract through your music. It is crucial for your branding and what is reflected on your website. Read More

Best post time social media

Best Times to Post on Social Media for Music Artists in 2023?

By Facebook, Instagram, Social Media, Twitter No Comments

Last Updated: 6/14/23

As an independent artist, you put so much time, money and effort into your art and the content you create to promote it. Naturally, you want every post to have as much reach and engagement as it possibly can, regardless of the platform. The hope is that there’s a magic time that we can all just aim for and not have to worry if people will see it. Unfortunately, with how the algorithms work on social media platforms these days, it’s providing to be more challenging then ever.

So what are the best times and days to post on social media to maximize your post potential? Read More