Make It As An Independent

Helping musicians maximize their potential by using online marketing tools, insights and strategies to increase music exposure and attract life-long fans.


With so much competition for attention out there, it’s harder for musicians to stand out of the clutter. The aim of this site is to guide you through the music marketing and business space to improve your chances of making a living off music and continue making a positive impact in people’s lives.

Social Media vs. Email

Social Media vs Email: 4 Stats Show Which is a Priority for Indie Artists

By Email, Social Media No Comments

The two online marketing channels indie artists use the most often are social media and email. Both channels allow artists to interact with fans, but email actually plays a more direct role in helping artists earn money.

I’m sure you already know that an email is better for reaching fans directly as opposed to social media. The way I like to think about it, social media is where your fans likes to hang out during lunch breaks or after work. Email is like having their home address, or even cell phone number.

Regardless of where you are in your music career or what your goals are, your priority should always be to build your email list. Why? Read More

Online Marketing Mistakes Artists Make

How to Fix 10 Common Online Marketing Mistakes Indie Artists Make

By Marketing Basics No Comments

Your online presence plays a major role in promoting your music and cultivating a fanbase as an independent artist. It’s great that the Internet has leveled the playing field for musicians to be seen and heard by anyone in the world. The problem is that many artists out there are making the same online mistakes that limit their potential and make it harder to grow a fanbase. With so much competition for attention, you can’t afford to make these mistakes if you want to maximize your chances of making it as an independent. Read More

Instagram Stories or Snapchat

Which is better for Indie Artists, Instagram Stories or Snapchat?

By Instagram, Snapchat, Social Media No Comments

First things first, I hate Instagram Stories. (Just kidding… sort of!) The day it went live, I did a little rant on both platforms to boycott the feature. The purist in me believed that each social media platform should have its own unique special thing. That’s not how it works in the real world, unfortunately. Romanticism aside, this is what big businesses do and the social media landscape is no exception. It’s not the first time a platform is copying a competitor’s feature and it won’t be the last. The allure of having content disappear after 24 hours is a powerful feature for engagement so you can’t hate Instagram for straight up biting Snapchat. Read More

Don't Buy Fake Fans

4 Reasons Why Not to Buy Fake Fans and How to Spot them

By Facebook, Instagram, Social Media, Twitter 2 Comments

What does the average person do when trying to evaluate a brand or get a quick sense if something is good or worthy of their time? Yup, we tend to look at the number of followers and fans on social media. That’s just how we validate things in our celebrity-driven, popularity contest of a society.

As you would imagine, this creates a lot of pressure for independent artists to bump up those like and follow numbers to influence a favorable perception. After all, you want people to have a good impression when they land on your Facebook or Instagram accounts.

Especially when starting out as an indie artist, I know it can be very tempting to boost your social media numbers when it can cost as little as $5 on some third party websites. Read More